






What does retirement look like for you? does it feel?

Greg has helped many investors through the journey to retirement. We ca help you to see how much you’ve got, how to draw your income, from where, and when.

You need a retirement plan, not just a pension!

Retirement is about more than the money ; you have to ask yourself a few questions:

How do you feel about stopping work?

What will you do all day?

Will you treat yourself?

The big questions in retirement planning are:
How much will I need to live on?
When will I be able to stop work?

When you've answered these questions your plan can be written to fit the answers.

Your retirement could be an immediate stop, or it could be gradual – via some part time work, consultancy or small business. Whatever it looks like, Greg will find the best financial plan to match.


Modern retirement is a 3 stage process:
  1. Save the money you need,
  2. Live on the investment return for a while,
  3. Then rely on the rest later in life. 

To get this right, you need to know how much to save, how to invest it and how to make it last. This is Greg’s area of expertise, so you’re in safe hands.

A retirement plan can include a variety of factors

Your pensions, savings and investments, but also properties, a business, an inheritance, equity release or downsizing.

It can also account for your health , for helping your children or your parents, and anything special you wish to do in retirement . Tell Greg about your retirement , your hopes and your fears, and he will help you find the answers.

Get in touch today!

For more information on any of our products and services or to discuss your unique financial situation, please hit the button and contact us today.