In here you will find useful guides and insights from a career spanning 25 years. We hope you find this content useful and if there is anything specific you would like to know, please do reach out via the contact form.
Setting up Direct Debits
Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay your bills, because once they are set up the process is automated. That said, there are scenarios where it can give you a shock to your budget:
Setting a Budget
Budgeting is necessary for every adult in the UK, in some form. Like cleaning your teeth or doing the hoovering, it might be something you don’t want to do, but if you neglect it there is only one outcome and that is financial difficulty.
Saving for Annual Costs & Emergencies
Saving can sometimes feel like a futile exercise, particularly if you are a low earner or circumstances make it very difficult.
Debt Solutions
If you are in a situation where your debt is only increasing and budgeting and/or re-structuring does not do enough to make your monthly expenditure affordable
Getting Debt Under Control
If you have reached the stage that your debts are getting bigger despite you paying as much as you possibly can towards paying them off every month
Know Your Credit Report
One element of our financial lives which is a little mysterious is our credit report.
Know Your Credit Report
One element of our financial lives which is a little mysterious is our credit report.
Why Save Into a Pension
There is lots of talk in the press about pensions, good and bad, but what are the simple reasons for using one? Why is it a good idea?
Flexi-Access Drawdown – what’s that about then?
Income drawdown is the pension product that can pay you an income, but still give an investment return on your capital.
One of the most common pieces of work that advisers are paid to complete is the consolidation
Understand your Payslip (In England)
For most people the first time they encounter the world of tax and pensions is via their payslip.